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Legal Services


Know Your Rights

The Victim’s Bill of Rights are in place to preserve and protect victim's rights to justice and due process, a victim of crime has a right to be treated with fairness, respect and dignity, free of intimidation, harassment or abuse throughout the criminal justice process. The right to be informed, to be present, to be heard, to refuse an interview, deposition or other discovery request of the defendant and to confer with prosecution.*

Legal Assistance

NVAA will assist clients with finding legal representation free of charge or at a reduced rate. Clients are not obligated to use any referral provided them and legal representation is not guaranteed.


We have experienced domestic violence advocates who will assist clients with Orders of Protection, Address Confidentiality Program, Innocent Spouse, Victim Compensation, and court accompaniments.

Financial Means

Because an abuse victim is less likely to be able to afford legal representation, he or she is at an automatic disadvantage when involved in a child custody case.


Abusive partners use children to control victims. Abusive partners often threaten to gain sole custody, kill, kidnap, or otherwise harm children if victims leave. They use child custody as a way to continue to threaten and harass the victim.*


In Massachusetts study, 38% of abusive fathers seeking sole custody were awarded either sole or joint custody of their children, despite the fact that there was a documented pattern of abuse of both the mother and the children.*


NVAA can provide support for those experiencing violence, abuse or sex trafficking. You are not alone. Call us for help.


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7349 Via Paseo Del Sur​

Suite 127

Scottsdale, AZ 85258


Toll-Free: (877) 770-NVAA (6822)


Local & Helpline: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

(480) 771-4700


If you are experiencing an emergency please dial 9-1-1.

In delivery of our services and hiring practices, NVAA does not discriminate in any manner and does so without regard for including but not limited to race, religion, color, sex, age, marital status, disability, citizenship, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or national origin.  If you believe you have been discriminated against you may confidentially and without fear of reprisal file a complaint by contacting or our Civil Rights personnel.

© National Victim Advocacy Alliance  |  All Rights Reserved.  |  NVAA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 85-0966199. Donations are tax-deductible.

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